the webmaster notes this is a good example of what morons city of phoenix government official can be. on one hand they are building a center for illegal workers to search for jobs (yes you read that right the government goons are building a center to allow people who are in the USA illegally to look for jobs).
and on the other hand they are flushing down the toilet the 1st Amendment rights of other american and making it a crime to stand on the street and ask for a job.
another good reason to get rid of government altogether.
Day laborer site sparks regulations
Law would require immigrant workers to use new Phoenix center
By Tom Zoellner
The Arizona Republic
Dec. 16, 2002
It will soon be a criminal offense in certain parts of north Phoenix to stand on the street and ask for a job.
The city of Phoenix wants to ensure its new Day Labor Center has a monopoly on the informal cash-for-sweat marketplace that thrives in the mornings along Bell Road.
The City Council is expected to approve a law Wednesday that would make it a misdemeanor to solicit work on a public street within a three-mile radius of the work center near 25th Street and Bell Road, scheduled to open within a month.
Some labor advocates across the country have complained that such laws violate a worker's First Amendment right to free speech.
"We understand there's some concerns and we've narrowed the ordinance to where we feel it will withstand potential challenges," said Deputy City Manager Juan Martin.
Signaling a passing contractor's pickup truck in north Phoenix in any place but the labor center will now be grouped in the same legal category as existing city laws banning "aggressive panhandling."
Consisting of just four shade armadas, two portable toilets and a drinking fountain, the labor center has become a lightning rod for anti-immigration critics who see it as a public subsidy for illegal Mexican immigrants.
The $120,000 center is expected to open without ceremony or fanfare in mid-January. The ordinance will go into effect at about the same time.
The four non-profit agencies under contract to run the center, Tonatierra, Chicanos Por La Causa, Friendly House and Valle de Sol, will soon pass out leaflets to make workers aware of the center and the penalties for not using it.
After that, police will start handing out tickets.
"Nothing's a guarantee, but we're working hard to make sure this brings people into the center," said Councilwoman Peggy Neely, whose district includes the Bell Road corridor.
City officials said they would build other labor-pickup points elsewhere in the city if the informal clusters of workers lining up on the corners of north Phoenix can be convinced to use the center.